Every Day Pocari Sweat: Go Sweat Go Ion

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Helping healthy people get healthier

Otsuka, a subsidiary of Otsuka Pharmaceutical Japan, has upheld a presence in Indonesia since 1997. The organization further develops its distribution network in Indonesia and Southeast Asia, all the while maintaining steady growth, as Pocari Sweat remains its principal product. In order to demonstrate its commitment to excellence, Otsuka has implemented ISO standards.

For Daily Reads

Optimizing Athletic Performance: The Pocari Sweat Advantage

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Unlocking Endurance: The Science Behind Pocari Sweat Hydration

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Elevating Fitness Regimens: Pocari Sweat's Holistic Approach

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Pocari Sweat Lab

Why you need Pocari Sweat?

Dehydration can lead to headaches, fatigue, and muscle cramps. Choose isotonic drinks like Pocari Sweat for quick absorption!

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I always drink Pocari Sweat before and after running. It tastes fresh and helps my body hydrate well. I feel more energized and less tired when running.

Ana - Runner

I often drink Pocari Sweat at work. The hot weather in the office and the amount of work makes me dehydrated easily. Pocari Sweat helps me stay hydrated and keep my focus.

Budi - Office Worker

I keep Pocari Sweat in my house at all times. After a workout or other outdoor activity, my husband and kids love to sip on some Pocari Sweat. Pocari Sweat keeps them revitalized and alert.

Cindy - Stay-at-home mom

Pocari Sweat is what I sip on as I toil away in the fields. Sweating is a natural response to the heat and exertion of the job. I don't feel fatigued as quickly and my body stays hydrated with Pocari Sweat.

Doni - Farmer

PT. Indah Amerta Otsuka

1Pondok Indah Office Tower I 6th Floor.

Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda Kav. V-TA

South Jakarta, DKI Jakarta 12310

(021) 7697472


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